
How to get a social tax deduction for a child’s education and treatment

A social tax deduction is provided to the taxpayer when certain expenses arise during the past tax period. To receive it you need...

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Five unexpected ways to use oil - food made from oil, use of oil, paintings with oil, cosmetology, treatment with oil, Naftalan, nylon, oil products, oil in food, oil in cosmetology, oil in medicine, oil in perfume

Oil. How much meaning there is in these five letters! Everyone, having heard this word, will put their own meaning into it: someone will imagine a dark, viscous liquid or an oil pump; u...

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How to treat a dry cough in a child: Komarovsky and other views on the problem

The beloved child is tormented - the whole family has no peace! You think to yourself: “It would be better if I got sick a hundred times...” Is this a familiar picture? There is a way out of this situation. Famous on...

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Main signs of the disease

Most of what newborns do, they do reflexively. When they are hungry or unhappy, they automatically start crying. There's no way for them...

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Hyperthermia as one of the cancer treatment methods

Therapeutic hyperthermia is a type of treatment in which living tissue is exposed to elevated temperatures. And this has a disastrous effect...

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How to treat stomatitis in adults in the mouth: symptoms, treatment, photos

Stomatitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane in the oral cavity, as a protective reaction of the immune system to various irritants. It usually occurs in children, but...

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Stomatitis treatment in adults: how to treat

From this article you will learn: what stomatitis looks like - its types, photos, how to quickly cure stomatitis at home, the best cure for stomatitis. The article was written...

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Advice for women: douching with celandine

To treat thrush and colpitis, use an infusion of celandine from one tablespoon and a glass of boiling water. A glass should be drunk in three doses, drunk in 1 day.For...

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Why does severe vomiting occur in adults? When does vomiting occur?

Vomiting is a protective reflex of the body in both adults and children. Together with the vomit, the contents of the stomach and harmful substances are removed. Unpleasant...

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Early dementia, its causes and clinical manifestations

– acquired dementia caused by organic brain damage. It may be a consequence of one disease or be of a polyetiological nature...

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